Children's Sunday School- Preschool through 5th grade
Children's Sunday school is for ages preschool to 5th grade and is offered during church on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the Month. The children begin church in the sanctuary and leave for Sunday school after the children's message with Pastor. On first and third Sunday's, the children remain in the sanctuary during church and have learning material to read or color as an activity. We are currently using the Enduring Faith curriculum through Concordia Publishing House.
COnfirmation- 5th through 8th Grade
7th and 8th grade 7:00 pm Wednesday's 5th and 6th grade 7:45 pm 2 Friday's per month To learn more about the history and purpose of confirmation, Click Here.
YOuth Group- High School Students
The high School youth group meets one Sunday evening per month, generally the 2nd or 3rd Sunday at 5:00 pm. Text correspondence will confirm what works best for the youth schedules. Please contact us if you are interested in joining youth group.
Lutheran Valley Retreat is a Christian camp that several of our youth attend in the Pike National Forest in Colorado. The camp is for ages 8-13 and 13-17 during the summer. We would like families to consider sending their children for the 5 day event. The church pays for half the cost for each child. For more information, please contact Pastor Bill or visit Please let us know if you need help with transportation.
Adult Bible Studies
Men's Bible Study at church 6:30 AM on Tuesdays Women's Bible Study at church 9:00 AM on Tuesdays Adult Bible Class 9:00 AM prior to church
PODCASTS, devotions and self-Studies
Unable to make it to a Bible Study? Several LCMS based companies have self study resources available. Click the links below to find bible study or devotion that best suits your needs! CPH FAITHCOURSES- Free, on-line video based bible studies for groups or individuals. CPH Bible Study Books Lutheran Hour Ministries Podcasts- Several podcast available including the popular new podcast "Speaking of Jesus". Podcasts are available in English and Spanish. KFUO RADIO- A radio broadcast of the LCMS has several podcasts available for all ages including the new Lutheran Ladies Lounge and the Coffee Hour. The Lutheran Woman in Mission (LWML)- offers a daily devotion called Mustard Seed Devotions. Portals of Prayers- A daily devotion book. Available in print or digital.
Nursing Home services
Nursing home services are run through the local Ministerial Alliance. Pastor Bill completes a service once every 9 weeks.
Orphan Grain Train
Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical supplies and other needed items to 69 countries including the US. Trinity collects donations and delivers them to a collection center in Julesburg, CO. To learn more about the orphan grain train, click here.
The previous week's Sermon can be heard on KNAB radio each Sunday at 8 am and on 1140 AM Sunday's at 7 am.
Durable Medical equipment loan closet
The church has crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, shower benches and portable bikes if anyone is needing them following an injury or surgery. Talk to Pastor Bill, e-mail or call the church office and we would be happy to help you. We are currently looking for a couple 4 wheel, seated walkers.